Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Workout for 4/18/2011

I was so proud. I got up at 5:30 and while I was tempted to just continue sleeping, I got up and went to the gym. I decided to work on my back and abs.

Rows: 40 lbs 5X 10 reps.
Lat pulls: 50 lbs 5X 10 reps.
Push backs: 20 lbs 5x 10 reps (I'm pretty weak in this area, hopefully it will get stronger)
Hyperextensions with 9 lb weight 3x 15 reps
Oblique bends with 15 lb weight 3x 15 reps

11 minutes on elliptical. I was prepared to do 20 minutes, but when I tested my heart rate at the very beginning it was 185. I kind of knew I was in trouble, but I kept going. About halfway in I tested it again, and I was up to 220. I suffer from a supraventricular tachycardia that gives me trouble every now and then. I've put off getting my radiofrequency ablation because I'm scared. Dumb, I know. Anyway, I pushed through 11 minutes. I was proud.

I then went and did 45 minutes of Zumba at moderate pace since I was still having trouble with my tachycardia. I teach, so I had to be there.

I was tired yesterday, but not overly tired like I usually get with my SVT, so later that night I went and did an hour long Les Mills power step class. It was intense.

Food wise, I did okay.

Breakfast in a blender (after workout)
mini wheats (after second workout)
Chicken pasta salad
Iced Choffy and (here is my bad part) a piece of bread with Nutella on it.
more mini wheats.
Mini wheats with soy milk (after third workout).
I had about 60 oz of water. I totally could have upped that as well.

Meh. I can do better. I especially shouldn't be having pasta or Nutella. Have you ever had those days where no matter what or how much you eat your stomach never feels satisfied? Ugh. I had one of those days yesterday. It was awful! Anyway, at least I had good workouts. I can only improve right?

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