Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Workout for 4/18/2011

I was so proud. I got up at 5:30 and while I was tempted to just continue sleeping, I got up and went to the gym. I decided to work on my back and abs.

Rows: 40 lbs 5X 10 reps.
Lat pulls: 50 lbs 5X 10 reps.
Push backs: 20 lbs 5x 10 reps (I'm pretty weak in this area, hopefully it will get stronger)
Hyperextensions with 9 lb weight 3x 15 reps
Oblique bends with 15 lb weight 3x 15 reps

11 minutes on elliptical. I was prepared to do 20 minutes, but when I tested my heart rate at the very beginning it was 185. I kind of knew I was in trouble, but I kept going. About halfway in I tested it again, and I was up to 220. I suffer from a supraventricular tachycardia that gives me trouble every now and then. I've put off getting my radiofrequency ablation because I'm scared. Dumb, I know. Anyway, I pushed through 11 minutes. I was proud.

I then went and did 45 minutes of Zumba at moderate pace since I was still having trouble with my tachycardia. I teach, so I had to be there.

I was tired yesterday, but not overly tired like I usually get with my SVT, so later that night I went and did an hour long Les Mills power step class. It was intense.

Food wise, I did okay.

Breakfast in a blender (after workout)
mini wheats (after second workout)
Chicken pasta salad
Iced Choffy and (here is my bad part) a piece of bread with Nutella on it.
more mini wheats.
Mini wheats with soy milk (after third workout).
I had about 60 oz of water. I totally could have upped that as well.

Meh. I can do better. I especially shouldn't be having pasta or Nutella. Have you ever had those days where no matter what or how much you eat your stomach never feels satisfied? Ugh. I had one of those days yesterday. It was awful! Anyway, at least I had good workouts. I can only improve right?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Big How Do Ya Do?

Here is the first of many posts to come detailing my road on not only my health and what I'm doing to improve that, but also my workout routines and such as I prepare for my first bikini competition.

A little background on me. My name is Monique. I'm 30 years old. I have four children three of which have special needs. I'm enrolled in school and on my way to becoming a nuclear technologist. I've been married to my husband, Mitch, for almost 10 years and he's the love of my life. So here is what is going on with me. I WAS preparing for a bikini competition that was coming up in July, but due to severe pelvic congestion syndrome, I have not been able to go to the gym as consistently as I have needed to. So after shedding many tears of frustration, I decided to postpone entering into a competition until I'm better.

As of right now, I weigh in at 118 pounds and have 23% body fat. I'm trying to get below 110 pounds and around 12-14% body fat. I have a ways to go, but I'm confident I can get there as long as I take the time and do more research and do everything right. I do plan on still going to the gym consistently (meaning every day at 5:30) and eating clean. I'm just not going to think it's the end of the world if I enjoy a slice a pizza here and there. I was beating myself up mentally too much and for a person who once suffered from an eating disorder, this is not healthy. Also, I found I was consumed by this and not paying attention to my family like I needed to. So, I will workout, log what I eat and how I feel on here. Whoever finds this can be my companion in this journey with me.

Happy reading!